Things to do in Ocho Rios
Once a sleepy fishing village, Ocho Rios is a picture-perfect backdrop for non-stop island adventure paired with all-out luxury. Highlights of this seaside town on the island’s north coast include Dunn’s River Falls, open-air craft markets, dolphin swims, and river rafting.
Discover Jamaica
Couples Tower IsleTower Isle Karte Ausgewählte Touren
- Hooves Reitausflug
- Mystic mountain
- Martha brae rafting
- Couples Sans Souci
Couples NegrilNegril Karte Ausgewählte Touren
- Black River/Y.S Falls
- Chukka Canopy Zipline Tour
- Chukka Reitausflug
- Couples Swept AwaySwept Away Karte Ausgewählte Touren
- Black River/Y.S Falls
- Chukka Canopy Zipline Tour
- Chukka Reitausflug
Sangster International Airport Hotels Distance
- Couples Tower Isle
(1 hr 49 min) - Couples Sans Souci
(1 hr 47 min) - Couples Negril
(1 hr 28 min) - Couples Swept Away
(1 hr 32 min)
- Couples Tower Isle
Norman Manley International Airport Hotels Distance
- Couples Tower Isle
(1 hr 45 min) - Couples Sans Souci
(1 hr 47 min) - Couples Negril
(4 hr 25 min) - Couples Swept Away
(4 hr 25 min)
- Couples Tower Isle