Jamaica's Capital of Casual
Negril’s world-famous Seven Mile Beach, shallow turquoise waters and soaring limestone cliffs are the stuff of island legend. No trip to this charming resort town on the island’s west coast is complete without sampling authentic Jamaican jerk chicken, riding horseback on the beach, and tapping your toes to a reggae beat.
Discover Jamaica
Couples Tower IsleTower Isle Karte Ausgewählte Touren
- Hooves Reitausflug
- Mystic mountain
- Martha brae rafting
- Couples Sans Souci
Couples NegrilNegril Karte Ausgewählte Touren
- Black River/Y.S Falls
- Chukka Canopy Zipline Tour
- Chukka Reitausflug
- Couples Swept AwaySwept Away Karte Ausgewählte Touren
- Black River/Y.S Falls
- Chukka Canopy Zipline Tour
- Chukka Reitausflug
Sangster International Airport Hotels Distance
- Couples Tower Isle
(1 hr 49 min) - Couples Sans Souci
(1 hr 47 min) - Couples Negril
(1 hr 28 min) - Couples Swept Away
(1 hr 32 min)
- Couples Tower Isle
Norman Manley International Airport Hotels Distance
- Couples Tower Isle
(1 hr 45 min) - Couples Sans Souci
(1 hr 47 min) - Couples Negril
(4 hr 25 min) - Couples Swept Away
(4 hr 25 min)
- Couples Tower Isle