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The Couples Resorts guide to being a couple

Thursday, Oct 17, 2013

Couples Resorts

The Couples Resorts parenting guide on how to spend quality time with your loved one – no kids allowed!

Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world. One word that can be used to describe the job of parenting is relentless. When two become three or four (or more!) your time is no longer your own and children (no matter how adorable they are) can put a strain on even the strongest relationships. So, when you think you have some quality time together make sure you make the most of it.

Switch off – it’s good to talk!

We don’t mean from each other. We mean switch off your devices: mobile phones, tablets, computers, TV’s, EVERYTHING! One of modern life’s most annoying aspects is we’re all constantly available and constantly contactable to everyone and these distractions mean that you’re not concentrating on you and the person you love.

Make time for each other in the diary and decide together that you’re tuned in to just you two. If you have made time in your diary to be with each other then make sure its uninterrupted time with all distractions turned off. When we say off we mean OFF and not ON SILENT MODE.

Misty water-coloured memories…

Can you remember your first date? Can you recreate it? Spend some time thinking about that first evening you spent with each other and bring back those feelings of that time. It could be that you go out to that somewhere special where you first held hands or you could try to recreate the first meal you had together at home. Whatever you do remember that this is a special date, so dress to impress and make sure all the details are correct. Go the extra mile; make sure that you have thought through all the possible little touches so your date is extra special – the same restaurant you dined in, the same film you saw at the cinema or the same clothes you wore etc.

Mind Body and Bonded Spirits

Do something like play a sport that you both enjoy or a board game or puzzle that you can both work at. Dancing, for example, is always a fun way to spend time together. Find a local place where you can spend some time dancing the night away. There is shared gratification from being physical and mentally challenged, so don’t just sit all cuddled up on the sofa in front of the TV. Do something that makes you work as a partnership. Perhaps you fell in love with your partner’s abilities so look for them again and you’ll be delighted to see them as an individual and not as an extension of your children.

Escape the Normal

Explore a new town; find a mini break, or simply take a walk somewhere neither of you has been. Jet set off to somewhere exotic like a holiday to an all-inclusive Caribbean resort just for couples. The act of discovering new places is something people are always doing. It's exciting. Just don’t make it too hard. Couples arguing over reading maps are not a good look. Seriously, trust us on this.

Attention to detail

Modern life can suck the common good out of the best of us. Manners get dropped, calls go unanswered and we miss the finer details in each other’s body language. This is the time to spend moments with your partner and really discover what they are feeling. Try giving your partner a massage or have a bath together. Intimate time is essential for you to reconnect on a more loving level.

In the end it’s all up to you…

We are all different we all have different urges and desires and we all have triggers that will work for each of us. We wish you the best of luck with spending quality time with your partner. Hopefully with a little forward planning there is something here that you can take away and use to reignite some passion and love into your relationship.